Friday: Food, Fortunes, and Finds!

 Great news guys! I have some actually interesting stuff to say this time!

I went shopping with my dad today (well, I did a third of it by myself while my dad talked with some guy he knew) and we actually got through it surprisingly fast! We decided to get Chinese food, and I drank some of my beloved Grape Soda.

My fortune cookies message, however, was frankly concerning: “Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you burn.” What does that even mean???? My mom got one that read “Why do some people get headaches when they barely use it?” while she had a headache, comedy that good can’t be written.

The best part of the day was the fact that I finally got my hands on THAT DAMN SPONGEBOB KRAFT MAC & CHEESE; y’know, the one where all the noodles are shaped like SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward, and Gary? Yeah, they brought that back.

Take a look!:


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